Added bonus | Exactly right | Closed fist |
Future potential | Inner core | Money-back refund |
Seeing the sights | True fact | Revert back |
Safe haven | Prior history | Young children |
Time period | Sum total | End result |
Temper tantrum | Ferry boat | Free gift |
Bare naked | Combined total | Unique individual |
Potential hazard | Joint cooperation | Total abstinence |
Subject matter | Honest truth | Join together |
General public | Execution-style killing | Harbinger of things to come |
Audible gasp | Advance warning | New initiative |
Future plans | Gather together | Jewish synagogue |
Lag behind | Manual dexterity | Occasional irregularity |
Outer rim | Plan ahead | Basic fundamentals |
First time ever | Personal friend | Shrug one's shoulders |
Bond together | Close proximity | ATM machine |
PIN number | Coequal | Common bond |
Small minority | Serious crisis | Personal belongings |
Security guard | Time clock | Foreign imports |
Exact same | Continue on | Focus in |
Convicted felon | Past experience | Consensus of opinion |
Finished product | School teacher | Linger on |
Free Gift | Hot-water heater | First introduced |
Easter Sunday | ||
Gratuitous | Sex |