'62 Roughers 40th Reunion--Newsletter Vol 3.

July 2002


This is the third in a planned series of newsletters about our 40th reunion. To read past newsletters, click here. If, for some reason, you're unable to access the link, send and request a text-only copy. 

Well, email--the secret weapon for the 40th reunion--and the web continue to work their magic. We have the email addresses of about 110 classmates--one quarter of the class. Keep sending in the email addresses--our goal is three-quarters of the entire class of 440. Eighty-three classmates have registered or expressed the intention of doing so. If three-quarters of these bring their spouses or SO's, we'll have 145 folks at the shindig.

If you received this newsletter via US mail, it means that we don't have your email address. The stamp and envelope together with the toil of countless employees at 62 Roughers Plaza--all these are being wasted because you haven't visited the Roughers62 web site and added your name to the roster. Click here to do so now. (Trust me, you'll feel better.) 

If you know you're coming to the reunion, but have shamelessly procrastinated, click here now to register. (We need the money to cover our margin calls.)

Alert! Wrong Dates Published
Apparently I mistyped the dates for the reunion on one page of the web site. My apologies for any confusion.  The correct dates are Friday and Saturday:

September 27th and 28th, 2002 

Sunday Activities
A number of classmates won't be able to attend the Friday portion of the reunion. If you're in this group, why not organize a "Sunday Extension for Late Arrivals?" If you're interested in this, let me know and we'll try to find an organizer. (In case it isn't obvious, you don't have to be a late-arriver to participate in this.)

Yearbook Photos on the Roughers Web Site
Lost your yearbook? Forgot what everyone looked like? Forgot what you looked like? Well the yearbook photos for the entire Senior Class of 1962, are now on the Roughers web site. All four hundred and forty-two (442) of them.  Click here to have a look. 

If your picture happened to appear in the top row adjacent to the yearbook's spine, I apologize for the quality of your photos.  All pictures located there are victims of what I initially though to be a coffee stain; but later I noticed  lots of tiny tooth marks at the upper left corner of the book (yum, green "leather"). So, one of my kids (now ages 34 and 36) apparently teethed on about thirty classmates...I'll be sending each of you a share of the orthodontia bill.

My call for current photos has gone embarrassingly unheeded. Frankly, I'm disappointed in the quality of excuses: 

  • "The dog ate my memory card." 
  • "I sprained my shutter finger." 
  • "I just had a face lift in time for the reunion."  

This ain't gonna cut it, folks.  True, emailing digital pictures is the best way to get the job done, but it ain't the only way. Send me snapshots, pictures, hallucination renderings, or daguerreotypes--I'll find a way to get them posted. Guys, I promise to get rid of those double chins and rambunctious nose- and  ear-hairs. Gals, I'll airbrush those mustaches so clean that no one will ever guess that you've stopped your HRT. Oh, and to the woman who sent me pictures of someone who is obviously her daughter--you are so busted!

Reunion Anxieties
As I correspond with classmates, a recurring theme arises: primal fears about coming to the reunion. Will anyone remember me? Will anyone care? Will I remember anyone? What if I can't recognize my classmates? We've changed a lot--what will we possibly have to talk about? In many cases, I been touched by the depth of these feelings. Here's a good example, used with the permission of the author:

Dear Joe,

I can't tell you how happy and pleased (as well as surprised) I was to receive your e-mail.  I must confess that I haven't attended any previous reunions. Your website and your email describing your attendance at the 30th reunion was so warm, welcoming, and evocative, that I will seriously consider the possibility of coming. Unfortunately for a variety of reasons (and not unlike some others I am sure) my social skills as a teenager and young adult were not sufficient to develop and sustain the kind of relationships that many people do at that point in their lives.  So, I have a lot of old insecurities to overcome before coming to a high school reunion.  I actually never thought I would consider it, but my wife wants to come already, especially to the dinner and dance. If I can convince myself that some people might actually remember me favorably, I might well show up.  However, I fear if we do come I may have to actually admit to her that I really wasn't Prom King and captain of a state championship football team.

I had great fun going through the roster and looking at the pictures.  Browsing through the rosters and pictures of people who I knew during that fragile period of my life was very moving for me.  I remember many of them quite well and only wish I could have made stronger connections with them at that point. In any case I will take advantage of this opportunity to reconnect with old friends and perhaps even try to connect with some people now that I wish I had connected with earlier.

So what is my story about the 30th reunion? 
Well, here's the long version...

I stumbled on our 30th reunion by accident. I was visiting OKC (my wife's parents still live there and my brother lives in Norman), when I bumped into Mike Ivens somewhere on Thursday, who told me about the reunion that very Friday and Saturday.  

On a lark, my wife and I hopped into our little airplane  Saturday morning and flew to Muskogee, landed at Hatbox, then took a cab to Honor Heights for the Saturday picnic.  I fully expected to return to OKC at about sundown. Upon arrival, however, I rebonded instantly with everyone--and knew at once that I had to stay for the dinner/dance. My wife had inescapable plans for the next morning, so two classmates and I hustled her into the plane and we flew her back to OKC. 

About halfway into the return trip to Muskogee, it occurred to me that I'd forgotten to bring a change of clothes, that I hadn't signed up (or paid) for the shindig, and that I had no place to stay. I didn't care. Bill Brown picked us up at the airport, I bought a toothbrush, shaved and showered at Bill's apartment, then headed out for the night. I rode shotgun and played the radio loudly.

W-h-a-t a blast!  Despite my current porcritude, I'm still a pretty fair dancer, so I had a fabulous time with all the girls I danced with in high school! We danced, ate rubber chicken, and shmoozed until we were exhausted.  It so happened that a bunch of the girls had reserved adjacent rooms in a motel. At about midnight, a dozen or so of us congregated there, wandering from room to room while acting, well, silly--till about 4am. 

At this point, it dawned on me that I didn't have a place to sleep for the night, and that I couldn't fly back even if I wanted because I had been drinking. Mike Ivens was without a place to stay, too, so with very little discussion, he and I did what he had done innumerable times in high school:  we broke into his brother Raymond's house (he was away for the weekend) and crashed there for the night, or what remained of it.

The next morning I dragged myself back to the motel and had breakfast with about 20 others. At about one o'clock, after hugs and not a few tears, the wheels on my little Grumman Tiger broke ground, leaving behind me twenty-four hours of sweet memories.  I have only one regret:  I missed Friday night.

In short, I can imagine few events that would keep me from the 40th. Sure, I plan to have as much fun as at the 30th. But there's a sober motivation, too. This will probably be the last successful decadal reunion, as our number is gradually reduced by the grim actuarials of life. Or, as Shakespeare wrote in a very different context:

Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass comes.
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks
But bears it out even unto the edge of doom.  

Register Sooner, Not Later redux
Many of you may find it hard to commit to the reunion dates (Sept 27th and 28th). This is understandable and OK. However, at this stage of planning, it's far better for us to overestimate attendance than to underestimate it. If you believe there's even a 50-50 chance that you'll be able to attend, we would greatly appreciate your filling out the Registration form on the web. Just note in the comments field that you're not certain whether you will be able to attend; if possible try to indicate your current level of certainty (50%, 75%, etc.). Then click the "I'll mail a check later" button. In late summer (probably mid-August), we'll notify everyone by newsletter of the drop-dead dates for payment--and you can notify us of your final decision then.

Thanks, Volunteers 
Thanks to all who have submitted the names and email addresses of missing classmates. Of the list of twelve hard-to-find classmates published in the first newsletter, six are accounted for and we've got good leads on four of the other six. 

But we need more help. To keep the ball rolling, I need you to volunteer to phone five (5) people in your area and obtain their email addresses and to confirm their postal addresses. 

Here's how it works: 

  • I'll send you the names of the "missing" classmate in ZIP or area codes near yours. 
  • You choose five (or more, if you wish).
  • I'll then provide you with the current contact information we have, which sometimes includes telephone numbers. Expect to look up a few names in the local phone book.
  • You phone the person, get their email address and verify their postal address.
  • Afterward, you visit the Rougher's web site and enter the contact information into the Roster Form.

Typically, out of five names, the existing postal addresses (and sometimes phone numbers) is accurate for three, one will have disappeared without a trace, and one will not have email. 

In theory, you can make all five calls in twenty or thirty minutes. However, government regulations require me to warn you that fun often erupts spontaneously; you may find yourself chatting like kids, potentially generating large telephone bills. Volunteer at your own financial risk.

By the way, if you know someone outside your area whom you wish to contact, please let me know. Since only a few classmates live in California, I spend most of my time chasing down a few of the people I was close to in high school and college. I've had great success. For example, I recently located Mike Ivens. The conversation went like this:

JC: Hi, is this Mike Ivens
MI:  Yes, who's this?
JC:  Mike Ivens from Muskogee, OKlahoma?
MI:  Yes, who is this?
JC:  Do you have a brother named Raymond?
JC:  Sorry, I must have the wrong number. <click>

Fun fun fun. 

Oh, Mike lives in Tampa, Florida and has neither an email address nor a cell phone. He  mentioned something about a witness-protection program, but will be at the reunion anyway.

Why Email?
Some have asked why this reunion's planning has focused so strongly on collecting email addresses. The answer is simple: postal mail ("snail mail") is expensive, tastes bad, takes a long time to arrive, and produces ambiguous results. But the real killer is cost--the hard cost for postage and materials, as well as the soft (volunteer) cost of printing, addressing, sealing, and posting.

Contrast this with email: it has zero hard or soft costs, is delivered instantaneously (if not, it "bounces" within a few seconds or minutes). Once email is received, the recipient tends to respond immediately, in most cases within a day or so. Sure, there are those who check their email once per week (or month), but they are exceptional. Finally, email addresses are portable: with web-based email (Yahoo, AOL, etc.), people retain their email addresses when they move; in fact, many (such as I) will retain them for life. 

Odds 'n Ends

  • Eddie Jeffries passed away recently. He was the best teacher I ever had--from grade school through college. I remember him walking around the classroom, ruler in hand.  At random times he would whack his ruler loudly on a desk. This was the signal for the entire class to shout in unison, F=MA! Many years later I borrowed his pedagogical technique when I taught electronics at a local college. When I slapped my ruler down, the class shouted, E=IR! Rest in Peace, Jeff.
  • Bounced emails Email to the people listed below have bounced. Would you please click to send an email so we can get your correct address (note: I'm removing names from this list as they check in, so the list may look a bit sparse).
    Admire, Joe Gibson, Leslie
    Barthel, Janice  Hamlin, Paul
    Chenault, Lenora
    Nicholson, Jerry
  • Deceased Classmates  The response to the listing of deceased classmates was very positive. If you have any contributions to this list, please send them along, and, of course, if there are any errors on the list, immediately.
  • Classmates.com Sand-baggers  As I mentioned in previous newsletters, we've been try to shake people out of the Classmates.com web site. Of the 90 some-odd classmates registered there, 27 have still not responded. I give up.
  • Saturday Activities As I mentioned in the previous newsletter, we still need suggestions about Saturday daytime activities. The Roughers golf tournament seems to have struck a cord, so we'll pursue that. So, talk to your significant other and let's hear some more suggestions. The huge staff at 62 Roughers Plaza are ready and willing to do your bidding!



Joe Campbell (for the Reunion Committee)
Berkeley, CA

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